Founded by Rich Connor Singing Webmaster 1999
About Shaolin Digital
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Coconut Teazer, Hollywood 1991
A subsidiary of Shaolin Communications
Internet Enlightenment
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital founded the first Shaolin Communications enterprises in 1984:
In 1999 Rich Connor added:
Sorry, I've got plenty of websites to manage.
The Reluctant Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital got his first computer in 1999, an iMac Blueberry. Amed with the software program, PageMill for building websites, Richard Del Connor began creating over 200 websites in the next five years. He built a couple websites for neighbors and a local surf band.
Rich was always planning to hire a webmaster but he couldn’t find anyone who could do what he needed and was already doing. He interviewed and viewed the websites of many other webmasters and decided he was doing a better job for free than they were doing for thousands of dollars. Rich edited shopping carts in limited PHP and programmed his own webforms in CGI scripts… then he decided not to learn flash or java scripting to learn desktop publishing with Quark XPress. Rich published several beautiful books as he added backgrounds and color graphics to pages like a college manual. see: Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual.
Multimedia Productions
Shaolin Digital supports and interacts with other Shaolin Communications projects in several ways.
Digital Artworks and Graphics
Editorial and Copywriting
Hosting and Internet Support
Logos and Designs
Photo Editing and Inventory Archives
Web Design
Web Master
Websites of Shaolin Communications Designed by Shaolin Digital
Shaolin Digital Headquarters