Cool Stuff I Made

The Hippy Coyote sings his heart out, lonely in Utah. When I hear my long chorus singing in “Long Way Home” I hear myself ‘HOWLING’ in a sad lonesome way. “Black of Night” is course vocal. “Simple Lady” is more my new ‘crooner style.’ This rock opera starts the 8-LEVEL Buddhist journey of American Zen. The poetry reading is clean stereo, but performed seated to sound collegiate and professional.
American Zen
LEVEL 1 = Peace of Mind

The Hippy Coyote haunts the hooligans of Utah. Performing in the local clubs his music is ‘banned’ from the local rock music station by Mormon influence. “They will pull advartising if we play your music,” (“God Will Protect,” “Black of Night,” “Peace of Mind #2,” and “All Screwed Up.” This rock opera connects directly to the previous album with stories continuing into the family affairs and Native Americans who have allied with Rich Connor and seat him and his daughter with the elders at pow wows. The poetry performances are more aggressive like Jim Morrison of The Doors.
American Zen
LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer

Although The Hippy Coyote had escaped Utah, he returned for a week long love affair in a hotel room in Salt Lake City. Many of these songs were written to Lara. Coyote (young Rich Connor) invented ‘BASS POETRY’ on this American Zen album with several electric bass guitars (1957 Rickenbacker) performing in the background of the poetry reading. Check out the bass poem on the this album, “1,000 Sorrows For A Love.”
American Zen
LEVEL 3 = I Want You To Love Me

Coyote was hanging out a local Irish pub with nightly jam sessions with amazing musicians touring through town. Some of the regulars, including Coyote, would meet in the afternoon to jam on the drums and band equipment always set up there. Although Coyote (still slightly married Rich Connor) worked with some of these musicians in preparation to record this album–no one was available when the sessions began… so Coyote was a one-man band on this album.
American Zen
LEVEL 4, Part 1 = Kung Fu Cowboy

This is the album that launched Shaolin Records in 1984. Cover photo by John Livzey. Perhaps I should have kept holding the microphone in my hand instead of going back to guitar-singer. The marquee of the Los Angeles nightclubs would read, “Rich Connor.” I was hiring session players like Jason Scheff who has been with the band CHICAGO for 30 years. And Mike Thompson on keyboards who’s been with THE EAGLES for 30 years. I was working at Capitol Records sometimes so we did some recording there… like the Hammond organs.
Rich Connor & The Rich
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