Shaolin Chi Mantis STUDENT DASHBOARD at ONLINE Kwoon
Rich Connor has finished setting up the “Student Dashboard” in the website for taking the free Kung Fu classes. Now he needs feedback.
Rich Connor has finished setting up the “Student Dashboard” in the website for taking the free Kung Fu classes. Now he needs feedback.
“Make that your primary website.” Huh? I argued with God a little but he was not impressed with my ineptitude, laziness, or lack of resources to launch this website… Finally. I acquiesced. (I’m not a pushover for any God.). So I’ve been working on ShaolinZen.TV Website: ShaolinKungFuBeginner.comWebpage: CoursesPurpose: Provide public with FREE Kung Fu = Sample of Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu This page offers a view of the entire first semester at: This first semester is currently ONLY five classes or the first five videos of the actual ONLINE KWOON (school) at Another purpose of the FREE …
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster is integrated with Buddha Z in the Daily Taoist episodes of Tao Of Taoism.
PayPal buttons and website COURSES PAGE are operational but may be altered and improved… Quizzes need to be written.
Buddha Zhen talks about what to look for and how to choose your martial arts school when you don’t really know what you’re looking for.
Is it wise to leave these two Patreon accounts up which illuminate the lack of support for Shaolin Kung Fu and Richard’s poetry and music…
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster launches new website: with FREE KUNG FU classes.
Shaolin Digital has relocated to Lancaster, California where they unboxed a dead Macintosh computer. Rich Connor the Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital is testing components for salvaging…
Shaolin Digital Jumps to Lancaster, California Founder, Rich Connor, in flight. Lancaster, California. Shaolin Digital. Shaolin Digital is setting up a new office in Lancaster, California. Parent company Shaolin Communications has moved all enterprises here into a spacious 2-bedroom office-studio of Rich Connor. Shaolin Digital is updating and upgrading since its last location. Rich is …