What Kind of Shape are You in?
ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com has 5 FREE Kung Fu classes to help you measure your physical fitness.
ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com has 5 FREE Kung Fu classes to help you measure your physical fitness.
5 Free Kung Fu classes are ready for students at www.ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com Buddha Zhen says most people have no idea what Shaolin Kung Fu is.
Buddha Zhen hops atop a Burbank park bench to demonstrate the basic Kung Fu stances of Shaolin Kung Fu.
Buddha Zhen explains saluting and how to present your self in a tournament before the Judges.
Buddha Zhen is looking for heroes and warriors seeking a nonviolent yet deadly martial art with philosopy, spirituality, science, and a Buddhist lifestyle.
PROMO VIDEO 1 is the first of three videos with Buddha Zhen quickly reading the Tai Chi Beginner student manual of Shaolin Chi Mantis.
Shaolin Chi Mantis has launched www.ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com with FREE KUNG FU classes from their ONLINE KWOON.
Is it wise to leave these two Patreon accounts up which illuminate the lack of support for Shaolin Kung Fu and Richard’s poetry and music…
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster launches new website: www.ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com with FREE KUNG FU classes.